Do you sink, float or swim?

Over the last years the coaches of Tignum have helped managers and athletes to maximise ‘sustainable human performance’. They focus on four pillars: nutrition, movement, mind set, and recovery. The founders, Jogi Rippel and Scott Peltin, have summarised their findings and recommendations in the book: sink, float, or swim? In their research and surveys they found that the vast majority of managers are floating, being driven and carried away. Only a small portion is actually swimming, as high performers, in full command of their physical and mental abilities. The third group of managers is actually sinking, out of balance, burning out.

High performance is not possible without taking care of your engine. The four pillars are critical to sustain human high performance. My two personal personal favourites are mind set and recovery. Somehow I have become aware of the need for a more healthy nutrition and the benefit of physical movement. What many managers (different to athletes) completely underestimate is the power of recovery; too many still believe that they can heroically manage away signs of physical exhaustion. Just think for a moment: what can you expect from a strategy meeting where 8 out of 10 members flew in from completely different time zones, which started with a heavy dinner the night before, and then runs through hours of powerpoint in a windowless meeting room? The other key lever is mind set, and in our daily work with executives we put a strong emphasis on being a player as opposed to a victim, being a learner as opposed to a knower.

The CEO of Tignum, and my friend Jogi Rippel, has published the Tignum Manifesto for 2013. I wanted to share these suggestions for a great year with you:

01 more fun |  less boredom (in meetings, people, and initiatives)
02 more promise and delivery  |  less excuses
03 more meaning |  less crap (in emails, meetings, projects, processes)
04 more boldness |  less hesitation
05 more design (travel, meetings, coming home) | less luck
06 more me time | less others and other stuff
07 more good questions | less assumptions
08 more high performance habits | less energy draining 
09 more humility | less façade
10 more agility | less franticness
11 more less | less more

We hope this list provides you some inspiration to think and plan your performance in 2013.

Share it //Challenge it // Adjust it // Live it // and make personal Sustainable Performance your default.


Or excerpts of the book “SINK, FLOAT, OR SWIM” .


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